Manage Your Mood with Vitamin D

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When winter rolls around, many people may fall victim to seasonal depression. Living in Michigan proved to me that I would find myself feeling gloomy and more “down” than usual around January/February time. Upon further research, I found that it is really common for people to feel seasonally depressed after months of enduring the cold weather. 

A quick way to boost your mood is by taking Vitamin D supplements. Once you start feeding your body the supplements and nutrients it needs, you will be surprised at the increase in energy and strength from the consistent and clean schedule. When the sun hasn’t been around for a while, our bodies begin to lack the source of Vitamin D we need. Vitamin D is great for regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. 

It is very common for adults to become Vitamin D deficient. This is even more likely if you live north of the equator or are elderly. Once I had my girls, I was told to start them on Vitamin D supplements when they were born. This was interesting to me as it was the only supplement that was recommended! 

An adequate way to get Vitamin D is through daily supplements. It is helpful for health maintenance, occasional depression, stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue. Some of us don’t have the year-round ability to get our Vitamin D through the sunshine (which has health complications of its own) so we must find other ways to fulfill this need. 

Here are a few that I recommend!

But, of course, try out brands you’re familiar with and check with your doctor first.

Instead of letting the dreary winter weather get you down, increase your daily take of Vitamin D, and see how your mood responds!