Stay Fit & Healthy from the Comfort of Your Home

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You heard it here first! You don’t need a home gym to get a killer workout. And, it’s much easier to change your diet to a healthier plan than you might think.

So, if you’re freaking out about being stuck at home and aren’t sure how you will continue a consistent workout routine, there are plenty of options to get your blood flowing and calories burning from the comfort of your home. 

Clean Out The Fridge

When it comes to your eating habits and being stuck at home, you may find that you are eating more than usual or trying different foods than normal. Many individuals are experiencing emotional eating right now, and it’s totally normal. If you’re struggling to stay away from the fridge, get all of the unhealthy food out of the house! 

It’ll be easier to focus on working out when you are surrounded by food that will energize, motivate, and uplift you. Consuming healthy foods can improve not just your physical health, but your mental health and attitude as well!

Eat Happy Foods

Take a second and think about what you have been eating throughout the last few weeks, what has been making you happy and energized? What makes you feel poorly and fatigued after consuming? If you are not sure, make a list each day of all of the foods you eat! Tracking your food will give you a deeper understanding of what’s making you feel happy, and what is not.

Be mindful and identify the foods that make you feel strong and empowered and those that don’t. Get a notebook and dedicate it as your food diary, or find an app that will put a diary together for you. However you wish to track your diet, it will be a great start in understanding and improving your health and wellness.

Good Things Come to Those Who Sweat

There are so many free workout tutorial videos on YouTube, workout apps, and social media sites. Don’t be afraid to try out different programs to find what works best for you. Be sure to eat enough protein after your workout and stay hydrated throughout the day to avoid risk of dehydration.

Check out my workout playlist to take the first step in your fitness and wellness journey, and get after your goals!

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