Warming Winter Quinoa Salad

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By Guest Blogger Amy Mirialakis

Warming Winter Quinoa Salad-FitKimComing up with different ways to make quinoa dishes can be a bit of a challenge, so try this Warming Winter Quinoa Salad recipe that is loaded with flavor. And as a bonus, quinoa is a complete protein, which is very rare for a grain. Also, it’s gluten free!

Warming Winter Quinoa Salad
Serves 4
Coming up with different ways to make quinoa dishes can be a bit of a challenge, so try this Warming Winter Quinoa Salad recipe that is loaded with flavor. And as a bonus, quinoa is a complete protein, which is very rare for a grain. Also, it's gluten free!
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 2 cups Water
  2. 1 cup Quinoa
  3. 1 Tsp. ground Coriander
  4. 1 Tsp. Garlic Powder
  5. 1 Tsp. Black Pepper
  6. 1/2 Tsp. Sea Salt
  7. 1 Tomato, chopped
  8. 1 Cucumber, chopped
  9. 1 Shallot, diced
  10. 1 handful of Basil leaves, cut into ribbons
  11. 1/4 cup slivered Almonds, toasted
  12. 1/4 cup Feta, crumbled
  1. Bring water to a boil, add quinoa and then season with the coriander, garlic, pepper and salt. Cover and simmer until liquid is absorbed, stirring occasionally.
  2. Combine all remaining ingredients in a bowl. Add cooked quinoa and mix gently. Can be served warm or cold.
FitKim http://fitkim.com/

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