3 DIY Recipes: Poo Pourri, Eczema Cream & Natural Whites Brightener

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I absolutely love when I stumble upon some really fun and easy ways to make DIY recipes for common ailments or even to replace household items. The great thing is that YOU are controlling the ingredients so you can make sure they’re safe for the whole family. I’m going to share three of my favorites for today but please post a comment of any that you have found or are looking for!

I’m not sure why, but I have the most sensitive nose-I can literally pick out certain chemicals in cleaning products. So when I found this homemade Poo Pourri from Listotic, I knew it was going to be a winner. If you or anyone in your family has allergies or asthma, common room sprays have harmful synthetic fragrances in them that can cause a lot of respiratory distress. I love that this recipe uses essential oils to create a barrier over the water. Just make sure you spray it before using the toilet to get the best results:).

I found a super effective homemade eczema cream over at Frugally Sustainable and I wish I would have had this on hand when Addison was a little baby. I tried everything they had at the health food store and nothing would work. It took awhile but argan oil finally cleared it up. I’m pretty sure this cream would have worked a lot faster.

From Organic Authority, here is how to brighten whites and remove stains naturally. Have you ever spilled red wine on your clothing (not that I ever have…) and ended up having to throw them away? Not anymore! Also, please know that bleach does nothing to disinfect-this is a myth. We just grew up associating that distinct smell with cleanliness but it is nothing but a toxic chemical.

Give these a try and let me know what you think!


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