Find the Perfect Pre-Workout Snack

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Do you exercise on an empty or a full stomach? There are three main factors to consider when snacking before a workout. 


Each body is different so this one will take some time to nail down. I recommend consuming your pre-workout snacks 30 minutes to up to two hours prior to exercising. Timing will depend on the intensity of the workout. Take note of what you are consuming and how you feel before and after your workouts. Once you’ve experimented for a few rounds of working out, you will have a better idea of how much time to give yourself before pumping the iron.


The size of the snack is very important. You want to avoid feeling sluggish or getting an upset stomach. There isn’t an exact number of calories to watch for. Find a protein-heavy snack such as nuts, protein shakes, avocados, or anything that stocked full of protein. Think less than a full meal and more like the size of a midday snack.


Consider the quality of your preworkout snacks. Foods that are high in carbohydrates and protein with a little bit of healthy fat. Also, remember to hydrate and drink extra water before working out. 

It might take a little bit of trial and error to find out what snacks work best for you before a workout.  Use these tips and experiment with some of your favorite healthy snacks!

Looking for more inspiration? Read this blog post about snacks to try before Yoga!