FitKim Featured on Yoga Lifestyles! Straight Out of Savasana: Yoga’s Weight Loss Hormone

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Yoga LifestylesIt’s no mystery that incorporating types of yoga that are physically demanding such as power yoga or Bikram into your fitness routine can have an extremely positive effect on your waistline with consistent practice. But we wanted to dive deeper, past the obvious eat-well-and-exercise rule of thumb and discover what other factors come into play when it comes to how our bodies store fat.

We’re not doctors, so we asked an expert in her field. Meet Kimberly Olson, a fitness and nutrition pro with a PhD in this kinda stuff. She clued us in on a concept that instantly got our attention: how hormones can affect our weight. Yes, the very same chemicals that made our first day of high school a nightmare because of a breakout the night before play an important role in weight loss. Who would have thought? Needless to say, we were in dire need for her professional perspective.

Read the full article here!


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