How to Make an Omelet

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Extra virgin olive oil spray
1 Egg
1/4 cup Egg Whites
1 Tsp. Oregano (or any other seasoning)
1handful of spinach leaves, torn into pieces
1 heaping Tbsp. of any leftover item you have (couscous, mixed veggies, beans, cheese, etc)
2 Tbsp. Salsa

1. Heat a small pan over medium heat.
2. Mix the egg, egg whites and oregano together; pour mixture into pan.
3. Give the pan a quick spray of olive oil and poor egg mixture on top.
4. After one minute, place the spinach leaves over the eggs.
5. Once the omelet starts to form, spread out the leftover item of your choice (optional).
6. Let cook for 3 minutes (or until all liquid has become firm) and then remove from heat.
7. Fold half of omelet over, move to a plate, and then top with fresh salsa.

Servings: 1 Prep Time: 2 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes
Nutritional Content per serving:
Calories: 161 Protein: 15g Carbs: 11g Fats: 6g Sugar: 2g Fiber: 1g

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