Superfood Spotlight: Alfalfa

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AlfalfaTouted as the king of all foods, alfalfa is loaded with essential nutrients and is a host of numerous health benefits. This sprout, which originated in Asia, is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, E and K as well as protein. It is also rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, carotene, and amino acids.

Traditionally, alfalfa herb was used to treat indigestion and boost the appetite. It is also known to aid in flushing away toxins and cleansing the blood. And as a natural diuretic, it may be beneficial for people with urinary tract infection and kidney problems. Alfalfa, being rich in phytoestrogens, is also used for treating menopause syndromes as it can prevent estrogen deficiency. Its roots are believed to treat fevers and improve jaundice while the leaves, which contain saponin, are potentially beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

In addition, studies on alfalfa showed that it increases the levels of good cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels and relieve joint pains. Alfalfa can easily be incorporated in the diet as it can be combined in salads, soups and many other dishes while the leaves and flowers can be used as an herbal tea. If you want to supplement with it, this is hands down the best company in regards to growing high quality alfalfa.
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