It’s no mystery that incorporating types of yoga that are physically demanding such as power yoga or Bikram into your fitness routine can have an extremely positive effect on your waistline with consistent practice. But we wanted to dive deeper,…
Grilled Peaches with Yogurt
If you live in Texas, you cannot drive home without passing by a stand on the side of the road advertising local peaches during the summer months. A client of mine came gushing into my office recently talking about all…
Fall Back into School – the Healthy Way
Back to school means back to healthy routines. Breakfast, snacks, and a balanced lunch are the keys to getting on track after the freedoms of summer have come to a close. By making some simple changes, you can ensure that…
How to Conquer your Constant Cravings, Once & For All
When working with clients, the most common challenge I hear about in the efforts to follow a healthy diet is cravings. It's different for everyone and can vary from having a lack of energy mid-afternoon and craving sugary sweets for…
How to Balance a Healthy Lifestyle when Life is BUSY!
Have you ever noticed that when we ask each other how we're doing or how things are going, more times than not the response is, "Good, just really busy!"? With two little ones, a full time career, and a husband…
Product Review: SlimClip Case
I am SO excited to do this product review because this is hands down one of the most annoying parts of being active that just never seems to have a good solution! Until now-SlimClip Case to the rescue:) SlimClip Case…
Don’t Be Afraid
When did we stop giving ourselves permission to take care of ourselves? In Arianna Huffington's fabulous book, Thrive, I came to realize how out of balance we have gotten, especially busy moms. Have you ever wanted to go hide in…
Triple Berry Blast
Finding something quick and healthy in the morning can be a bit of a challenge, so try this creamy smoothie recipe to start your day off right! A few notes, if you have any digestive issues, I would try a…
What Happens To Our Brains When We Exercise and How It Makes Us Happier
By Guest Blogger, Michele Smarty Does exercise make us happier? I am a gym rat because exercise always makes me happier. For a long time, I have been searching for the fact: what does exercise really do to our bodies…
How a 5K Saved My Life
I grew up playing sports year round, but when I got to college that part of my life was no longer. All of a sudden, my activity level took a nose dive and I found myself feeling the ramifications of…
30 DAY BODY MAKEOVER CHALLENGE Change the way you look and feel in less than 15 minutes a day
Step One: Enter your info to get your first workout: